PEAT methods
In PEAT we distinguish 6 methods: Deep Peat, DP2, DP4, Unification Process, Universal Process and Small Magic Methods
The main purpose of the Deep PEAT method is to integrate the polarities that are present deep within the human being.
By applying this method, polarities that do not actually reflect reality but represent an illusion are lost from consciousness. People on whom it is applied easily achieve inner peace and eliminate even long-standing problems. By applying Deep PEAT, certain problems that impair a person’s good functioning disappear already in the first session.
Deep Peat is intended for people who:
– They have expressed fears, in any area of their life;
– They have resistance towards their goals;
– They have a large negative emotional charge that interferes with their daily functioning;
– They feel insecure in different situations etc…
Stress, fears, phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, undesirable behaviors, weaknesses, problems in relationships, jealousy, aggression, tension, guilt, traumas, resistance and much more can be solved using Deep PEAT.
DP2 - Deep PEAT 2
This method was created by Slavinski after Deep Peat and it is the simplest of all from the PEAT group. It is used in 3 situations:
– when a person is unable to do classic Deep PEAT for any reason;
– with people prone to depression;
– with emphatically intellectual clients. Intellectual people have a hard time separating thoughts from feelings, and instead of feeling their problem, they communicate their thoughts about it. DP2 pushes them to separate thoughts from emotions and they, usually for the first time, understand the difference between the
two contents.
DP4 - Deep PEAT 4
DP4 is an extremely valuable and versatile process. In psychotherapy, it represents a true revolution for removing undesirable conditions (problems), as well as in psychological and spiritual development, because it allows us to create in ourselves in an extremely short time personality characteristics and traits that we did not have, and it can also be used for discretizing undesirable conditions and for creating desired conditions and identities.
The value of DP-4 methods is that we can consciously and intentionally achieve the neutralization of pre-selected polarities. With classic Deep PEAT this was not possible, we could not influence which polarities would be integrated.
Unifikation process
The Unification Process is a method of personal and spiritual development that allows us to experience that time does not exist (past and future), that we are always in the present moment.
The result achieved by the Unification Process applied to the past and future is permanent. The Unification Process is done only once in a lifetime and only one process per person is required. It enables the permanent experience that the past and the future do not exist, but that you are always in Me, Here and Now.
Universal process
This is the process by which we perform the integration of pre-selected polarities, as with DP4, but it is much simpler, and extremely efficient. The Universal Process is a method used to observe and eliminate the polarities (opposites) that naturally exist in the human mind. For example joy and sadness, peace and restlessness, strength and weakness, success and failure…, where the unconscious movement in thought between these two polarities causes emotional problems. By neutralizing these polarities, we arrive at calmness, emotional stability and a state of balance.
Little magical method
This method is intended to resolve bodily sensations that will not disappear and block the process: pain in the head, pressure in the plexus, tightness in the throat, etc… It can be used as part of the Deep PEAT process or independently of the process, when we want to work directly with bodily sensations or pain. We give the body sensation that we want to remove characteristics that it does not actually have, in order to allow the client to repeatedly confront the undesirable state.